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Every journey is unique: it takes you to wonderful places leaving you with unforgettable memories, it pushes away the daily routine and it allows you to grow on a personal and social level.

That’s why the incentive trip is the most coveted company benefit by the majority of the employees. Not a financial reward or an impersonal prize. It’s filled with emotional or psychological value and it consolidates the personal relationship with the company unlike any other incentive.

Travel makes you dream, rest, have fun and, most importantly, it’s versatile; therefore, it can be easily adapted to any employee, in particular when it’s about rewarding them according to the different aims achieved.


Let’s start from the meaning of “incentive”: it is nothing but motivation, the impulse to do your best in every field and, in our case at work. It can be either individual motivation, or commitment to the company or else team spirit.

If you’re motivated, you make every effort, being very pleased with yourself and paying back who believed in you.

In the workplace, this turns into an increase of productivity, a more cohesion of the team, in a more friendly and rewarding environment.

Here’s how the trip becomes a great mean of motivation and gratitude later on, that the company can express towards its employees.


A good incentive trip must not only go smoothly, but has to be extraordinary, memorable and surprising. It has to hit the mark. How do we manage to organize the perfect incentive trip? With loads of experience and by never underestimate its 4 fundamental components:


Choose an incentive destination means benefit from designed-for-business-trips facilities, that offer high services’ standards, perfect to spoil your team.


As it happens in the game Tetris, you have to find the perfect joint! The period always has to be suitable in order to allow tours of the chosen destination, but it cannot overlap a moment of overwork or planned holidays.


An incentive trip is not only a holiday but it can also be the perfect mean for multiple purposes, such as the team’s reinforcement before an important project or the chance to define contacts with new providers and potential clients.


Organizing a trip requires a certain budget, but remember that the first advantage that you take will be the increase of productivity in the company that will quickly pay you back with the investment made. Just think about planning the trip early enough: selection of the location, transports and details will be on us!


Now that everything’s planned, the hardest part is to choose the activities! As in any holiday, members of the group are fundamental: different interests and characters decisively affect the successful outcome of the experience.

That’s the reason why it is crucial to offer a destination everybody agrees on: in this case the best solution is to choose a destination that offers different possibilities and that is able to please everybody’s needs:

If, on the other hand, your goal is to keep the team together, it is important to find a common ground that gets everyone at ease!

Tell us about your idea and we will develop everything else!